February 25, 2011

Create Solution Add Content on Blogger

Friends meet again with my Rino Wijaya, my goal this time just like the days of yesterday really just want bergabi knowledge with you all, that is how I add a table of contents automatically in our bloggers, do not you do something different that I tau 1. How manambah contents of the manual and 2. Adding a Table of Contents automotive nah at the moment I will explain how to add AutoFill List in our respective blogger.
The way you just follow the steps below: How:

  • You must be signed prior to www.blogspot.com 
  • After that you select Draft - Page Elements-Add Gadget - HTML / Javascript 
  • After that you copy and paste the HTML code below and be sure you first change the URL that is blue with the URL of each of you bloggers.
 <div style="overflow:auto;width:200px;height:250px;padding:1px;border:11px solid #FFD7D7"><script style="text/javascript" src="http://sites.google.com/site/barajajs/listofcontent/contents.js"></script><script src="http://suara-minang.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?max-results=9999&alt=json-in-script&callback=loadtoc"></script></div>
 Then you save it. and you see the results.
Good luck Hope You're Not Disappointed with the result.


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